A new fuel idea can be designed and fabricated, and then tested and analyzed at MFC to better understand the effects of irradiation. MFC hosts the core of U.S. nuclear research and development with a diverse array of facilities designed for remote work on highly irradiated fuels and materials. Areas of expertise include nuclear fuels, radiation-tolerant materials, fuel recycling, focused basic research, nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear forensics, and space nuclear power and isotope technologies.
Characterization, post-irradiation examination, fuel fabrication
Post-irradiation examination
Fabrication, assembly, and testing of research and development and production equipment
Fuel fabrication, process development
Waste forms and separations
Fuel fabrication, nuclear material management
Fuel fabrication, irradiation, characterization, post-irradiation examination, process development
Post-irradiation examination
Post-irradiation examination
Post-irradiation examination
Fueling, testing, and delivery of radioisotope power systems
Fuel fabrication, nuclear material management, nonproliferation activities