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Skip Navigation LinksFuel accident condition simulator furnace


Instrument Description

The fuel accident condition simulator (FACS) furnace is designed to test high-temperature gas reactor fuel at high-temperature reactor accident scenarios. The FACS furnace can reach a maximum temperature of 2,000°C. Helium sweep gas is delivered through the FACS furnace to carry the solid fission products to a water-cooled cold finger with detachable condensation plates. The noble gases are collected in liquid nitrogen cold traps and analyzed with the use of two high-purity germanium detectors.



The FACS furnace is used to measure the release of fission gases from high-temperature gas reactor fuel at high-temperature reactor accident scenarios.



The isotopes that are collected on the condensation plates are 134Cs, 137Cs, 110Ag, and 154Eu. 131I can be collected with the help of NRAD irradiation.

Noble gases 85Kr and 133Xe can be detected in the fission gas monitoring system.