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Cheng Sun, Ph.D. Sun, Ph.D.Dr. Cheng Sun is a staff scientist working in Materials and Fuels Complex at Idaho National Laboratory. His research areas are focused on mechanistic understanding of materials performance under extreme environments, with emphasis on the manufacturing-microstructure-mechanical property relationships of materials under neutron/ion irradiation. The materials of interest include advanced stainless steels, nickel-based superalloys, metallic fuels, etc. His primary area of experimental expertise includes advanced manufacturing of nuclear structural materials, electron microscopy and small-scale mechanical testing. He holds a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from Texas A&M University in 2013, and was awarded as the very first Russell L. Heath distinguished postdoc fellow at Idaho National Laboratory in 2016. Before coming to INL, Dr. Sun was a G.T. Seaborg Institute Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he pursued research on radiation-induced solute redistribution in nuclear structural materials. He has worked on multiple DOE projects, including the Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP), Nuclear Energy Enabling Technology (NEET), and Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) projects. <div class="ExternalClass73A0727FAF864C4981F41133F8C69EFF"><p>​Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering - Texas A&M University<br>M.S., Materials Science and Engineering - Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science</p><p>B.S., Materials Science and Engineering - Huazhong University of Science and Technology</p></div><div class="ExternalClass82EF727A08544677986153D5ABD60E09"><p>​Neutron/ion irradiation damage of nuclear materials; process-microstructure-mechanical property relationships of nuclear materials in extremes; development of advanced nanostructured materials for nuclear energy systems; and dynamic characterization and testing of nuclear materials.</p></div><div class="ExternalClassADF3C75F818745FCA4D7076F1353ACF5"><p>​The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMMMS)<br></p></div><div class="ExternalClassFBA10CACC1E44A009D7A11BEA845D0B9"><p>​C. Sun, S. Zheng, C. C. Wei, Y. Wu, L. Shao, Y. Yang, K. T. Hartwig, S. A. Maloy, S. J. Zinkle, T. R. Allen, H. Wang, X. Zhang, Superior radiation-resistant nanoengineered austenitic 304L stainless steel for applications in extreme irradiation environments, Scientific Reports, 5(2015):7801. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun, M. Kirk, M. Li, K. Hattar, Y. Wang, O. Anderoglu, J. Valdez, B. P. Uberuaga, R. Dickerson, S. A. Maloy, Microstructure, chemistry and mechanical properties of Ni-based superalloy Rene N4 under irradiation at room temperature, Acta Materialia, 95(2015): pp357-365. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun, B. P. Uberuaga, L. Yin, Y. Chen, J. Li, M. A. Kirk, M. Li, S. A. Maloy, H. Wang, X. Zhang, Resilient zinc oxide nanowires in an irradiation environment: an in situ ion irradiation study, Acta Materialia, 95(2015):pp156-163. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun, E. Martínez, J. A. Aguiar, A. Caro, J. A. Valdez, K. Baldwin,Y. Xu, B. P. Uberuaga, O. Anderoglu, S. A. Maloy, Thermally-induced interdiffusion and precipitation in a Ni/Ni3Al system, Materials Research Letters, 3(2015): pp169-175. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun, D. Brown, B. Clausen, D. Foley, K. Y. Yu, Y. Chen, S. A. Maloy, K. Hartwig, H. Wang, X. Zhang, In situ neutron diffraction study on temperature dependent deformation mechanisms of ultrafine grained austenitic Fe-14Cr-16Ni alloy, International Journal of Plasticity, 53 (2014): pp125-134. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun, D. Bufford, Y. Chen, M. A. Kirk, M. Li, H. Wang, S. A. Maloy, X. Zhang, In situ study of defect migration kinetics in nanoporous Ag with superior radiation tolerance, Scientific Reports, 4 (2014): 3737. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun, J. Ma, Y. Yang, K. Hartwig, S. A. Maloy, H. Wang, X. Zhang, Temperature and grain size dependent plastic instability and strain rate sensitivity of ultrafine grained austenitic Fe-14Cr-16Ni alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 597(2014): pp 415-421. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun, M. Song, K. Y. Yu, Y. Chen, M. Kirk, M. Li, H. Wang, X. Zhang, In situ evidence of defect cluster absorption by grain boundaries in Kr ion irradiated nanocrystalline Ni, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 44(2013): pp 1966-1974. 1st Place Award, Graduate Student Best Paper, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).</p><p> </p><p>C. Sun, Y. Yang, Y. Liu, K. Hartwig, H. Wang, S. A. Maloy, T. Allen, X. Zhang , Thermal stability of ultrafine grained Fe-Cr-Ni alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 542 (2012): pp64-70. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun, K. Y. Yu, J. H. Lee, Y. Liu, H. Wang, L. Shao, S. A. Maloy, K. Hartwig, X. Zhang, Enhanced radiation tolerance of ultrafine grained Fe-Cr-Ni alloy, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 420 (2012): pp235-240. </p><p>J. Wen, C. Sun, P. P. Dholabhai, Y. Xia, M. Tang, D. Chen, D. Y. Yang, Y. H. Li, B.P. Uberuaga, Y. Q. Wang, Temperature dependence on the radiation tolerance of nanocrystalline pyrochlores A2Ti2O7 (A=Gd, Ho and Lu), Acta Materialia, 110 (2016): 175-184. </p><p> </p><p>Y. Chen, Y. Liu, E.G. Fu, C. Sun, K.Y. Yu, M. Song, Jin Li, Y.Q. Wang, H. Wang, X. Zhang, Unusual size dependent strengthening mechanisms in helium ion irradiated immiscible coherent Cu/Co nanolayers, Acta Materialia, 84 (2015): 393-404. </p><p> </p><p>M. Song, Y. D.Wu, D. Chen, X. M. Wang, C. Sun, K.Y. Yu, Y. Chen, L. Shao, Y.Yang, K. T. Hartwig, X. Zhang, Response of equal channel angular extrusion processed ultrafine-grained T91 steel subjected to high temperature heavy ion irradiation, Acta Materialia, 74(2014): pp285-295. </p><p> </p><p>K.Y. Yu, D. Bufford, C. Sun, Y. Liu, H. Wang, M. Kirk, M. Li, X Zhang, Removal of stacking-fault tetrahedral by twin boundaries in nanotwinned metals, Nature Communications, 4 (2013): 1377. </p><p> </p><p>Y. Liu, D. Bufford, H. Wang, C. Sun, X. Zhang, Mechanical properties of highly textured Cu/Ni multilayers, Acta Materialia, 59 (2011): pp1924. </p></div>Development of advanced nanostructured materials for nuclear energy systems;Dynamic characterization and testing of nuclear materials;Neutron/ion irradiation damage of nuclear materials;Process-microstructure-mechanical property relationships of nuclear materials in extremes ScientistAdvanced Characterization<div class="ExternalClass32BFB016E99E480488F9E24582115B4E"><p><strong>​Notable Presentations</strong></p><p>C. Sun, “Mechanical Response of Ni-based superalloy Rene N4 under extreme irradiation conditions”, International Conference on Plasticity, Damage & Fracture, Big Island, Hawaii. Jan. 3-9, 2016. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun, “Mechanical properties and irradiation tolerance of nanostructured metals”, Nuclear and Chemical Engineering Department Seminar, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. Nov.12, 2013. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (talk), “Nuclear Structural Materials under Extreme Irradiation Environments”, Nuclear Engineering Program, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, June 22nd, 2016. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (talk), “Experimental study of nuclear structural materials under extreme irradiation conditions”, Nuclear Engineering Program, University of Texas, Austin, January 26th, 2016. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (talk), “Nanostructured Materials for Nuclear Reactor Applications”, Nuclear Engineering Program, The University of Utah, March 27th, 2015. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (talk), M. Kirk, S. A. Maloy, X. Zhang, “In situ study of defect migration kinetics in nanoporous Ag with enhanced radiation tolerance”, TMS 2015, Orlando, FL. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (talk), D. Brown, S. A. Maloy, K. T. Hartwig, X. Zhang, “Temperature and grain size dependent deformation mechanisms of ultrafine grained austenitic stainless steel studied by in situ neutron diffraction”, TMS 2015, Orlando, FL. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (talk), T. Lee, M. J. Demkowicz, S. A. Maloy, O. Anderoglu, “Disordering and dissolution of ordered L12 precipitate in Rene N4 under irradiation”, TMS 2015, Orlando, FL. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (poster), M. Kirk, S. A. Maloy, X. Zhang, “In situ studies on radiation resistant nanocrystalline and nanoporous metals for advanced energy applications”, TMS, 2015, Orlando, FL. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (talk), “Experimental study on metallic materials under extreme irradiation environments”, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, December 16th, 2014. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (talk), O. Anderoglu, B. Uberuaga, A. Misra, S. A. Maloy, “Understanding interface effects on phase stability of a Ni/Ni3Al multilayer under ion irradiation”, TMS, 2014, San Diego, CA. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (poster), K. Hattar, Y. Wang, B. P. Uberuaga, R. Dickerson, S. A. Maloy, “Microstructural and mechanical response of Ni-based superalloys under irradiation at room temperature”, CINT User meeting, 2014, Santa Fe, NM. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (poster), T. Pollock, B. Uberuaga, S. A. Maloy, “Phase stability of Ni-based superalloys under annealing and irradiation”, Ion Beam Simulation of High Dose Neutron Irradiation Workshop, March 18 – 21, 2014, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (talk), “Mechanical properties and irradiation tolerance of nanostructured metals”, Nuclear and Chemical Engineering Department Seminar, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. Nov.12, 2013. </p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (talk), D. C. Foley, K. T. Hartwig, S. A. Maloy, H. Wang, X. Zhang, “Study of deformation mechanism of nanocrystalline 304L stainless steel”, TMS, 2013, San Antonio, TX.</p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (poster), M. Song, K. Y. Yu, Y. Chen, M. Kirk, X. Zhang, “In situ Studies of Heavy Ion Irradiated Nanocrystalline Ni and 304L Stainless Steel”, TMS, 2013, San Antonio, TX. Best Poster Award, TMS 2013-MPIM Symposium.</p><p> </p><p>C. Sun (talk), M. Kirk, M. Li, X. Zhang, “Mechanical properties and radiation response of ultrafine grained stainless steel and nanocrystalline Ni”, TMS, 2012, Orlando, FL </p></div> ​JEOL JEM 2010 scanning transmission electron microscopy